Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $69.99.

  • The POWER PRESS Push Up Board is a versatile and innovative piece of workout equipment designed to target various muscle groups in the upper body through different grip positions and angles.
  • Design and Build: Made from durable materials, the board features a sturdy base with color-coded slots for different hand positions, ensuring stability and proper form during workouts.
  • Multifunctional Workout: The board includes multiple positions targeting specific muscle groups such as chest, shoulders, back, and triceps, allowing users to diversify their workouts for better overall strength and muscle definition.
  • Color-Coded System: Each slot on the board corresponds to a specific muscle group and is color-coded for easy identification, simplifying the selection of desired exercises.
  • Workout Guidance: The board comes with a workout guide or app, providing users with various exercise routines and targeted workouts suitable for their fitness goals and skill levels.
  • Portability and Storage: Its compact and lightweight design makes it portable and easy to store, ideal for home gyms or individuals with limited space.
  • Comfort and Grip: The non-slip surface and ergonomic design of the board ensure a comfortable grip, reducing the risk of slipping or discomfort during workouts.
  • Adjustability: The board’s adjustability allows users to modify the intensity of their workouts by changing hand positions or angles, accommodating both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The straightforward layout of the board and accompanying workout materials make it accessible for users of varying fitness levels, guiding them through effective workouts.
  • Value for Money: Priced reasonably, the POWER PRESS Push Up Board offers a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking a versatile and comprehensive upper body workout tool.
  • Customer Support: The brand provides reliable customer support, offering assistance and guidance to users regarding exercises, usage, and any queries related to the product.
  • In summary, the POWER PRESS Push Up Board is a well-designed and versatile workout tool that effectively targets multiple upper-body muscle groups. Its durable build, multifunctional design, and user-friendly features make it an excellent choice for individuals aiming to enhance their upper body strength and fitness.
  • 30+ combo positions that give you a full-body workout in just 30 minutes
  • Max user weight is 300 pounds
  • Free delivery
  • 7,000+ Reviews
  • Shop with confidence!!
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